Packing Tips

I may be the worst at packing. I’m a chronic over packer. The first time I studied abroad in England I actually broke two suitcases from over packing. And when I left, I had to leave a lot of stuff behind because I couldn’t figure out how to fit everything! I’ll never know how I managed to go to Italy for three days with just a backpack (See post here: Italy for the Weekend ).

But I’ve learned a few tips over time and I’ve looked up some!

  1. Roll your clothes, don’t fold them! You’ll be surprised at how much room this saves.
  2. Always make a packing list. This is partly because I love lists but it also helps you not forget anything!
  3. Wear the heavy items for the trip. This is what I do when I fly. Back in September, I got on the plane in ninety degree weather in boots and a hoodie and a scarf. I was sweltering, but it was worth the room I saved.
  4. Pack a garbage bag so you have a place to put dirty clothes. On that note, it’ll save room if you can do laundry wherever you’re going but at the same time…who wants to do laundry on vacation?
  5. Pack jewelry in separate plastic bags (I use Ziploc bags) to keep them getting tangled in each other. Trying to untangle necklaces is the worst.

What are some of your go-to packing tips? Let me know in the comments!

Published by myadventure2017

Writer, Reader, Bookstagrammer, Booktoker, Blogger

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